August 30, 2021
This post is a part of a series by Oracle Amethyst, Jess’s alter ego and psychic name (according to all-knowing Pinterest, of course). In this series, Jess points out what might be standing in between you and GREAT messaging that actually works for your business. Then, with her all-seeing-eye, she predicts what your future in business will look like if you let those sticking points continue to win.
“I just want my sales page to do the sales work while I binge-watch The Crown.”
– Sara Motes, Promptlate® Student
I mean, it’s the actual dream, right? We all want our sales pages to DO WORK.
But it really shouldn’t be a pipe dream. At least not in my opinion. It’s your sales page’s official job description to do all the attention-grabbing, desire-driving, explainifying, and get-them-to-actually-click kinda actions you need to crush your next launch, or the evergreen funnel you have running on auto.
So, if your sales page is NOT doing that… why isn’t it? And if it’s not working the way it should, it may feel like you should just ride it out and magic-up the offer itself, or just hustle thousands more eyes to the page to play the numbers game.
But more traffic and adding more-more-more to the inside of your offer won’t fix a sales page that doesn’t show your exact-right people they HAVE TO HAVE what you’ve got.
So, in this post, I’m going to share two of the most common sticking points online business owners face when it comes to writing a sales page that actually works.
THEN, I (Oracle Amethyst, psychic reporting-for-duty) will show you your business fortune in the event your messaging STAYS THE SAME. Ready, my darling?
Sticking Point 1: You’ve got an amazing offer, but you can’t come up with CLEAR outcomes that help your ideal clients see the potential transformation.
If you’ve ever heard, “Okay, I get that it’s X… but what EXACTLY do I get/walk away with/learn from working with you?” This is your issue. OR if you’re in conversation with someone who says, “I just want to accomplish Y” and it’s the very thing you help with, but they have no idea? Yeah, that’s this one.
Sticking Point 2: Your sales page is full of kinda boring/typical/cliche explanations of things
(This is you if you find yourself saying, “I don’t want this to be JUST another _______ course/program,” but you’re not really sure how to put that into words for your customers to understand.)
I mean, self-explanatory. You’ve probably felt this at some point.
If you keep your sales page the way it is, you’ll continue to see your offer as “just another course/program/etc, and you won’t be sold on it. As a result, you’ll show up hesitant and unconfident when it comes time to sell, and then you’ll ghost everyone out of embarrassment when things inevitably go wrong (in your eyes).
You’ll spend more time explaining what “it” is NOT rather than what “it” IS. This will result in getting customers on board who are against the thing that you’re saying you’re NOT rather than FOR what you really are. Customers who start in a negative frame of mind are 9/10 more likely to DRAIN you than light you up.
Speaking of explaining, you’ll continue to run circles around your customers who are asking endless questions because they don’t understand the true outcome or transformation. Or, even worse, you’ll get far fewer questions because the right people won’t think they’re interested because they simply don’t see the possible outcomes you’re putting in front of them.
You’ll continue to make fewer sales than you know you should, and you’ll start down a spiral of… “It seems like everyone else can do this. Do I just not have what it takes? Is what I’m offering not good enough? Does anyone actually want or need it?”
But, what if instead…
If you choose to give your sales page copy the attention it needs, and maybe even go to the lengths of getting an outside, trained eye on it, you’ll start to put more unique, compelling messaging out to the people you can help the most.
As a result, you have more people saying, “Oh, I want this!” than you have saying, “Wait, what is it?”
You’ll walk into your office each morning to an inbox full of Stripe notifications, and you’ll live out your days confident that you’re doing your heart + soul’s best work rather than wondering if you’re cut out for it. You’ve finally got a proven offer so you can work to pump more traffic to it because you KNOW IT WORKS instead of hoping and waiting and wishing that it will work eventually.
Now, if that POSSIBLE future had you saying HECK YEAHHHHH, THAT’S WHAT I WANT, then it’s time to book a Messaging Power Hour with me (Jess, your fave copywriter, not Oracle Amethyst) this fall! With just 9 spots available for the remainder of the year, this is your chance to choose the future of your messaging rather than become a victim of it.
Choose 1 of 3 options for your MPH:
Option 1: Brand Voice + Overall Message – We will work together to define your unique brand message in a way that acts as the foundation for everything you write inside your business.
This focus would be the best fit for you if you’re new to business and you’re not sure where you fit in the online world, or if you’re rebranding and you want a solid voice that reflects your heart + expertise to build from.
Option 2: Review + Revise Website Copy – I’ll review your website copy (created with help from the Website Bundle Promptlates® and provide strategic feedback and specific revisions to help you get more of the right people taking action.
This focus would be the best fit for you if you feel like your website words aren’t doing their job, or if you’re going through a website rewrite and you want to make sure your words are built to WORK.
Option 3: Review + Revise Sales Page Copy – I’ll review your sales page (created with help from the Sales Page Promptlate®) and provide strategic feedback and specific revisions to help you get… you guessed it… more of the right people taking action.
This focus would be the best fit for you if you are launching or re-launching a new product, service, program and you want to get all the RIGHT people taking action so you can help them get what they truly want!
Our DFY clients have to commit to a minimum of $4k in order to get my strategic-brain and wordsmithery, but you can get…
An entire hour of coaching from me on your focus of choice
I’ll spend time prepping beforehand by going through what you’ve already got in place, and then we will talk through strategy, we’ll dive deeper into your business and brand story, and we’ll even write a little bit together on our call!
One week of follow-up via email
You’ll get an entire week to follow-up with any questions or clarity you need from me, via email (and possibly the occasional Loom video!).
… for just $697!
I typically reserve my copywriting brain power for our sweet Done For You clients, which would cost you about 9x the investment amount of a Messaging Power Hour. But, because I’m invested in your success and cannot wait to help you put your passion into words that really work, I’ve cleared my calendar for 9 of these just for you guys.
It’s the very first solution of its kind to help you take #alltheideas inside your head and turn them into website copy that connects, converts, and doesn’t sound like literally everyone else’s.
You’ve gotta capture, connect, and convert—FAST. No big deal, right?
Introducing: The Promptlate Shop