March 26, 2020
If you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting Chelsea from Chelsea B. Foster you’ll find her wisdom on her sleeve. Everything that comes out of this girl’s mouth is helpful advice, a life or tech hack of some kind, or a powerful mindset reframe. She is a powerhouse boss babe taking the reality of being a creative entrepreneur and helping you find fulfillment on the daily.
Chelsea was actually my coach for almost an entire year! She helped me streamline my business, start to take control of my mindset (and kick that imposter syndrome crap!), and she became SUCH a sweet friend in the process. That’s why, when Chelsea reached out to work together on this massive project, I knew this was going to be one for the books (literally, ‘cause we both love books!) from beginning to end. And man was I right.
For this copy makeover project we focused on a Brand Messaging Guide, website copy, and an entire sales funnel (sales page and email sequence). WOAH. Yep. It was a lot.
One of the biggest pieces we wanted to ensure we entwined through Chelsea’s brand messaging was to incorporate her your-biggest-fan personality into her brand voice. At the end of the day, we want her ideal clients to land on her website and feel like they are having a real conversation with Chelsea.
Chelsea is all about burnout proofing your business. Our focus was this idea of what it looks like when you’re burning out in your business and how that can happen in a lot of different ways. Because of that, we strategically hit on this “burnout” idea in a lot of places throughout her website.
Instead of simply talking about what burnout looks like we focused more on what the opposite of burning out looks like.
As creatives, we burn out when we are trying to have a successful business, enjoy our lives, be the best version of ourselves, go to all the networking events, and simply hustle so hard to reach success. When we are trying to have it all, that’s when we burn out.
And most of the time, we don’t even realize that having it all means you need to actually slow down and focus on the RIGHT things.
Enter Chelsea.
Through our discovery call, this realization allowed us to really hit this focus point: What is it that her audience really wants, but doesn’t think is possible? And how can we help them get there?
Chelsea focuses on life and business integration, but she is a whiz at systems and organization.
She approaches this unique gift from an angle of speaking her audience’s fears and pain points out loud.
By doing this it allows her audience to feel an “OMG, you’re inside my head” kind of feeling. It was super important to Chelsea’s brand message that we clearly spoke out loud things her audience is afraid to admit like: this feels too much or it’s not in my zone of genius, etc.
Speaking these types of feelings out loud helps Chelsea resonate with her audience on such a deep level. And that builds trust. Trust builds loyal fans. And loyal fans build raving students.
One thing we struggled with when it comes to Chelsea and sharing her services with her audience is how multi passionate she is!
We didn’t want to say: Hey there! I’m Chelsea! And I’m a multi passionate entrepreneur.
First of all, what does “multi passionate” mean these days? It’s a term used so often that it doesn’t necessarily resonate with your audience.
Chelsea’s heart is in making change from the soul level to the systems level because in her multi passionateness (and yes, I just made up that word), Chelsea sees the importance of mindset when running a creative business, too.
Even though she is FABULOUS at systems, what sets Chelsea apart from other biz coaches out there is her ability to dive into the soul level (the heart and mindset you need to run a business).
Soul work and systems (Chelsea’s passions) might seem like two separate things to be coached through in your business, but if you have them working together you have a business that ROCKS.
That unique difference makes Chelsea the swiss army knife of biz coaches.
SO GOOD, am I right?
As I mentioned earlier, Chelsea is one of those people you love being around. How she speaks is how she acts, and because of that she made this project so stinkin’ easy to bring her brand voice to life.
For example, the image above portrays two common things Chelsea says ALL the time. It was important for us to incorporate her personality into her web copy because when you work with a coach it can be vulnerable and personal. We want her audience to know exactly what they can expect when they choose to work with Chelsea.
TRUST ME! If you’re having trouble being proud of yourself, Chelsea WILL give you a journal prompt or recommend an essential oil.
Instead of simply saying a generic “I can help with that” we infused her personality and real lifeness onto the page in words.
Chelsea’s About Page was one of my favorites to work on because I for sure am her ideal client. We started the page with copy that speaks directly to her audience and relates to her their story in a funny and very Chelsea way.
Throughout the page, the copy is very relatable in a “I can see inside of your life” kind of way. A lot of this comes from me being her ideal client, but also from the research we did and knowing the entrepreneurial industry.
We were able to root something so abstract—like burnout—and put it in a concrete way her audience can feel: (see image below)
Creating killer content that gets your people saying “YES, that’s exactly how I feel how did she know?” and relates your story with their story is key.
You want your audience to dig your story, see themself inside of it, and leave them with a way to become friends. (Did we just become best friends? YUP!)
The last piece of copy I want to highlight that we incorporated into Chelsea’s website and sales page is this motif of school. And I’m OBSESSED.
Like me, Chelsea’s background is that she was a teacher before finding her way in the land of entrepreneurship. And although we no longer are teaching kids on the daily, we still think learning is pretty cool.
On Chesea’s sales page and throughout her email sequence, we carried this “school” theme throughout the page that takes her students through a strategically crafted line of services.
From her Prep School (group coaching program) to her Academy (mastermind program) to her University (program to help build a team)—each course was specifically designed to serve her audience well while also infusing her soulful personality, passion for systems, and love for teaching.
Chelsea’s website screams her personality and brand voice, and when her dream clients come knocking on her door, they know exactly who is opening up. Can you say the same about your web copy?
iced-coffee-obsessed, saved-by-grace, allergic-to-small talk, and one of the biggest dreamers you’ll ever meet.
It’s the very first solution of its kind to help you take #alltheideas inside your head and turn them into website copy that connects, converts, and doesn’t sound like literally everyone else’s.
You’ve gotta capture, connect, and convert—FAST. No big deal, right?
Introducing: The Promptlate Shop